This salad is my #1 summer salad. I can eat it every day 3 times a day.
It’s very fast and simple to cook and as we all know avocado is very good for your health, so I try to eat it as much as possible. Read more
Tomato, Onion and Lemon basil vinaigrette:
Fast salad for dinner or lunch.
Minimum ingredients and maximum delight:-)
Will taste best with mashed potato and meat, or rice and fish. Something not s picy and not sour. Read more
Simple fast salad with romaine, tomato and pickles
This salad is sweet and sour combines rich sweetness of tomato and balances it with sour pickles. Add some herbs to give it more rich flavor and you can either mix it with mayo or olive oil, will be very delicious anyway. Read more
Cabbage and honey smoked turkey with cornichones
Stuffed cucumber salad with apples , red pepper and cherry tomatoes
These two salads may be cooked separately and not be stuffing for a cucumber. Cabbage and honey smoked turkey with cornichones is a delicous combination and works great as the independent salad, or as the stuffing for the cucumber salald of 1927.
Stuffed cucumber salad with apples and red pepper may be an independent salad as well. The key to this salad is steamed red pepper that enhances the flavor of apples and tomatoes. Add some meat to the salad (as ham, turkey) and it will be more nutritious. Read more
2 Responses to 5 fast and delicious summer salads
Replied on: August 26, 2011, 9:03 pm
beautiful salads
Replied on: August 27, 2011, 1:34 pm
These salads look wonderful! I can’t wait to try them.