» Helen’s Cooking. Easy cooking in 1-2-3! | Blog about healthy and easy to cook food http://helenscooking.info Mon, 28 Nov 2011 20:25:13 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.2.1 Top 3 Tortilla Recipes: 10 minute healthy recipes. http://helenscooking.info/2011/10/09/top-3-tortilla-recipes-10-minute/ http://helenscooking.info/2011/10/09/top-3-tortilla-recipes-10-minute/#comments Sun, 09 Oct 2011 18:16:14 +0000 helenscooking http://helenscooking.info/?p=1406

Tortilla is a unique ingredient: every dish you incorporate it in is simple, easy to cook , yet very delicious.

These 3 recipes are my favorites when I am on the run and the family needs to have a snack.

Fried tortillas with beef

It’s good to take with you if you decide to go camping or travel by car at the long distances.

You can also cook this dish with fruit, berries, I sometimes use bacon and cheese, whatever you want.


For this dish you will need

Meat ( in my case beef) for 4 tortillas I used ½ pound

1 small onion

1 egg

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon pepper Read full recipe 

Apple hot pockets:

Apple hot pockets are a great fall breakfast for a weekday. with Tortillas you can cook them in minutes in the evening and reheat in the morning.

For the recipe you will need:

4 medium apples;

4 tortillas;

2 tablespoons of sugar;

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil Read more 

 Burrito with sausage, cheese, tomato and basil.

Burritos should be spicy and meaty, but as my family loves burritos and doesn’t loce them too spicy I decided to invent mine.

(Honetly there’s nothing to invent) Just throw in together the delicious vinnagraitte of saucage, tomato, cheese and onion with herbs. Read more

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Lemon Victoria Sandwich Cake with Raspberries, Strawberries and Clotted cream http://helenscooking.info/2011/10/02/lemon-victoria-sandwich-raspberries/ http://helenscooking.info/2011/10/02/lemon-victoria-sandwich-raspberries/#comments Sun, 02 Oct 2011 02:40:57 +0000 helenscooking http://helenscooking.info/?p=1343

The last day of September is a double Birthday Day in my family. So I was looking for a cake that would be simple, fast and that wouldn’t require a lot of time in the kitchen.

My Facebook friend Dor from La Difference Catering offered me to cook a Classic Victoria Sandwich, so I improvised and changed couple ingredients, as well as added couple of new.

This is how the ready cake looks like. It’s a shame I didn’t get a chance to picture it when cut.It looks amazing inside too, but it vanished too fast.

Preparation time: 30 minutes (Total with cream and decoration)

Cooking Time: 25 minutes

Total time needed: 55 minutes to 1 hour. (It’s better that the cake stand in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours, but it’s not critical)

For the batter:

1 cup of sifted flour

1 cup of sugar

4 eggs

2 teaspoons of lemon zest

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla sugar

1 teaspoon of baking powder

To decorate:

Coconut shred (optional)

1/2 cup raspberries

1/2 cup strawberries

(Or you may use kiwis and bananas)

Batter preparation:

Mix sugar with eggs gradually, then add lemon zest, vanilla sugar and baking powder; after that start gradually add sifted flour.

Preheat the oven to 350 F; preheat a tin, where you will pour the batter.

Grease the tin with butter or margarine, pour the batter in it and bake for 20-25 minutes until the toothpick comes out of the cake clean.

While the cake is baking let’s cook the cream.

Clotted Cream recipe:

1 cup of milk

3 tablespoons of sugar

3 tablespoons of flour

2 eggs

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla sugar

1/3 cup of condensed milk

Step 1. Divide the milk into 2 halves. Mix 1/2 cup of milk with eggs, flour and vanilla sugar. Set aside.

Step2. Mix 1/2 cup of milk with sugar. Put on medium heat, stir constantly until starts to boil. Por the 2nd part of cream (with eggs and flour in) and stir constantly, until it starts to boil again.

Step 3, Take the cream off the gas and add the condensed milk after it cools off a little.

Your cream is ready.


When the sponge cake is baked and cooled off a little take it out of the tin and cut the sponge into two parts lengthwise. Now when you have two sponges choose one which will be the best for the “foundation” and cover it with your clotted cream.

Take the raspberries and put it on the first layer of your cake. I put one or two circles (one inside another) on the first layer. Put the second sponge on top of first, press a little, cover the first layer with cream and decorate with coconut shred. Put the berries on top of the cake: raspberries and strawberries will be good or bananas and kiwis will be nice as well.

Put the cake in the refrigerator for 1-3 hours (optional).

The cake tastes better when cooled off.



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Flavorful Raspberry pancakes: easy to cook and fast to eat. http://helenscooking.info/2011/09/19/flavorful-raspberry-pancakes-easy/ http://helenscooking.info/2011/09/19/flavorful-raspberry-pancakes-easy/#comments Mon, 19 Sep 2011 01:49:47 +0000 helenscooking http://helenscooking.info/?p=1230

If you have never tried raspberry pancakes, well… you have never eaten the real pancakes!

Pancakes with raspberries are not only delicious, but they also boost all the good flavors in pancakes as well as raspberries, which make them unforgettably delicious.

Raspberry pancakes are very simple to cook.

For 12 thick pancakes I use:

2/3 cup of cultured buttermilk;

1 cup of hot water

1 teaspoon of baking soda

1 teaspoon of baking powder

3 teaspoons of vanilla extract

1 egg

1 cup of raspberries

1,5 or more cups of flour (until the batter is bit thicker than buttermilk)

2 tablespoons sugar

Mix hot water with baking soda, add to buttermilk. Add baking soda, 2 tablespoons of sugar (this is to my taste, as I don’t like them too sweet), vanilla extract, sugar, 1 egg and whisk well.

Combine the mix with flour and add the cooking oil 2 tablespoons.

Frying: When frying your pancakes, at first, preheat the frying pan at maximum heat, than add the cooking oil and turn the gas to medium. When you pour a pancake mixture on a frying pan, allow it to fry for 20 seconds and then put the raspberries on the uncooked side of your pancake. Add cooking oil when needed. The pancakes should be thick and fluffy. When turning the pancake from one side to another, be careful, because the batter may still be liquid.

When you fry the pancakes at medium heat it takes about 45 seconds for pancake to fry on each side.

Raspberries will give your pancakes unforgettable flavor and taste.

Decorate your pancakes with fresh raspberries and enjoy!

Btw, they are amazing with honey, yum!

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Sweet lasagna with berries, cream cheese and ricotta. http://helenscooking.info/2011/04/11/11-april-2011-2041/ http://helenscooking.info/2011/04/11/11-april-2011-2041/#comments Tue, 12 Apr 2011 00:41:08 +0000 helenscooking http://ellenscooking.wordpress.com/?p=47

Sweet lasagna with berries, cream cheese and ricotta.
6-8 lasagna sheets

1 packet of Cream cheese

2/3 cup of Ricotta
1 Egg
0,5 lb. of berries raspberries, blueberries
1 1/2 cup of Sugar
1 teaspoon of Vanilla

Lasagna with cream cheese and ricotta appeared as a sweet morning treat to my family during the busy week mornings.
It’s not an original Italian recipe, where meat and tomato sauce should be present, contrary it’s our family variation of lasagna: sweet and with berries:) Forgive us Italian mothers, we love it this way:)

Active cooking time : 30 mins
Total cooking time: 1h 20 mins

Preheat water in 6-8 quart saucepan, put 6-8 sheets of lasagna noodle and boil on a small heat until tenderly cooked (10-15 minutes).
Take out of the boiling water, drain the water and put the lasagna noodles on the cooking pan to let it cool off.

Meanwhile take your cream cheese , cut it in thin 0.5 inch pieces.

Prepare the form, oil it Put the first layer of your lasagna sheets 3 or 4 (depending on form),

cover it with your cream cheese pieces, cover your cream cheese


with berries -and top it with sugar.


Put the next layer of lasagna sheets.
Take your ricotta: beat up an egg with 2/3 cup of ricotta, 1 cup of sugar and add 1 tbs of vanilla. Cover your top lasagna layer with ricotta-sugar mixture.

Preheat the stove at 400 F. Bake your lasagna at 400F for 30 minutes and then lower the heat to 150F, take lasagna out for a second and decorate it with berries and return it sit in the stove for 20 more minutes. Take it out and let it cool, as it’ s hot!
Enjoy your sweet lasagna!


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