Granny’s homemade pasta with fried pork and fresh lemon basil

ready homemade pasta with lemon basil

Granny’s homemade pasta with fried pork and fresh lemon basil   “Real men’s food: Homemade pasta with fried pork and fresh lemon basil. Inspiring flavor! Normally you don’t add water or melted butter in pasta, but I decided to combine 3 recipes in one and the result was astonishing, even after 5 days since this pasta...

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Fast apple and apricot pie. (Vanishes in 30 minutes.Why? Delicious!)

main apple pie fast

Fast apple and apricot pie. This pie disappears in your family members’ mouths as fast, as you cooked it. Preparation of the dough for this pie takes 5-10 minutes, baking: 20 more minutes. Simple, fast and delicious.  The main problem is that in another 30 minutes it may vanish completely out of the plate.:-)) So...

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Ukrainian dumplings or pierogi with mashed potato

dumplings with potato

Ukrainian dumplings or pierogi with mashed potato Ukrainian dumplings are prepared in every region of Ukraine and even in Russia, Poland, and Belarus etc. The stuffing of Ukrainian dumplings or pierogi is traditionally: mashed potato, fried cabbage or tarts and even cream cheese. I am cooking traditionally dumplings with mashed potato, although my family loves...

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Profiteroles with cream-cheese cream and strawberry jam


Profiteroles with cream-cheese cream and strawberry jam 1 cup milk 1/4 pound (1 stick) unsalted butter 1/4 teaspoon of salt 1 cup all-purpose flour 4 large eggs Cream: Cream-cheese Chocolate chips                       [twitter-follow screen_name='helenscooking'] At the minimum gas preheat 1 cup of milk, gradually add butter, cut into thin slices (don’t let the mixture boil) add...

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